EverNeon was the answer to this request

MTA is a company that provides technology-driven communication products to the Alaskans since 1953. Their Headquarters are located in Palmer, AK, and it is surrounded by the beautiful and irreplaceable mountain landscape. Design Graphics LLC was the customer that gave us the chance to work in this fascinating opportunity. MTA wanted a product that could provide an elegant and delicate illumination to their building, along the lines of border light combined with color changing. EverNeon was the answer to this request.
Since MTA wanted the entire building to change colors at the same time we settled on the RGB version of EverNeon, our best seller the Elite series. However, we did not stop there. We decided that the best solution for this building was to upgrade to a DMX control system that would make it more stable and allowed it to be more versatile without compromising the cost or the installation time. Each piece of Elite was connected to its decoder, setting a unique address on each one and controlling them independently. Our EU DMX Control was programmed to change the building at a moment’s notice. It can light up this magnificent structure with national holidays, company colors, or simple color-changing scenes.
Once the product was installed it looked amazing. The whole building with the mountain background fits perfectly, it looks iconic. This application was the first time we would use our products in such severe weather conditions, and we are proud to say that, one more time, there was not a challenge we did not accomplish.